Spiral Serpent
Awakening Opening Transforming
Are you feeling that something isn't right or that something is missing in your life?
Are you feeling low and/or anxious a lot of the time?
Have you recently experienced the loss or separation of someone close to you?
Are you struggling to know who you are and what you want?
Are you facing major change or needing things to be different?
Are you already in 'transition' and needing support along the way?
Do you need help to work out the next bit?
Spiral Serpent is a powerful process of Change and Transformation; a potent blend of Transpersonal Counselling and Energy Healing that not only helps you understand your situation better but also helps you to ‘clear’ and transmute mental, emotional and physical blocks which may be stopping you moving on or from feeling in true alignment with yourself. When brought to conscious awareness this ‘stuck’ energy can be worked with, enabling you to feel happier, more positive about your situation and empowered to make the shifts/changes that you desire. Connecting more fully with your TRUE SELF, you will be able to make decisions from a clearer, more authentic place enabling you to feel more in control of your life.
In a safe, respectful, confidential space I will help you to move forward with more freedom, confidence and clarity at a pace that’s right for you, via a process that is tailored to YOU. I offer a rare blend of cutting edge tools and interventions which you can take and use throughout your life. These include Shamanic-based approaches, Energy Psychology and Inner-Child work, alongside traditional/transpersonal counselling methods.
" When I started working with Louise, I felt limited, confined, uncomfortable and anxious. Louise supported me to turn toward these fears and to move through them into what I describe as a clear open space. It was here that I caught a glimpse of who I could be until I knew beyond all doubt that I needed to change direction in my life and to find a more authentic way to be. I felt completely safe with Louise; her warm, compassionate style and immense skills as a counsellor and therapist enabled me to trust this ‘new’ part of myself and the creative direction my life was taking. Now, months on I continue to feel strong, confident, alive and finally 'on track' again."
P. Stone – Designer, Bristol
Louise Caine
- Transpersonal Counsellor
- Energy Medicine Practitioner
- Shamanic Healer

- BscHons (Psych)
- PG Dip Couns (regMBACP)
- EFT Practitioner (AAMET Cert.)
- Shamanic Practitioner (Certified)