“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens.”
Carl Jung

Sometimes we have to move a little closer to the edge, sail closer to the wind, in order to gain a different vantage point. To become more of WHO WE TRULY ARE often requires that we take these risks and ventue out of our comfort zone.

From this place of transition, where we ‘let go’ of the old and embrace the new, we experience the magic of our essence, the core of our being as we steer more accurately and purposefully towards our true destiny to a more colourful, vital and fulfilling life.

Transpersonal Counselling

Transpersonal Counselling is a humanistic, person-centred approach and is based on the work of C.G. Jung, Carl Rogers, Robert Assagioli, Abraham Maslow and many other renowned practitioners. The core conditions of Acceptance, Empathy and Congruence (genuineness) are essential to this approach. In a loving, respectful, affirming environment I will help you embark on a journey of self-discovery, enabling you to find your own ways to overcome and tackle any issues and personal difficulties causing you distress or concern at this time.

‘Transpersonal’ means ‘beyond the mask of the personality’. It means to ‘move beyond’ the personal and to experience ourselves in a more expansive, less limiting way. I describe Transpersonal Counselling as pulling back the veil or veils to gradually reveal the truth of who you are and what is important to you. As this process takes place you begin to make REAL changes at a more conscious level; changes that are more in line with who you feel or know yourself to be and that add an unimaginable richness and quality to your life and to your relationships with others. Clients often speak of experiencing greater Self-awareness, relief from stress and a deeper sense of empowerment, meaning and connectedness in their lives.

Transpersonal Counselling takes place within the context and knowledge of traditional counselling and psychotherapy methods and ANY issue can be worked with. It sees personal challenges and difficulties as gateways into realms of healing experience that embrace what some people may describe as the spiritual, mystical or higher Self.  Alongside an array of powerful exercises, techniques such as breathwork, meditation, body work, inner child work, dream awareness and guided visualisation can also be included.

"I found working with Louise liberating. It was refreshing to work with someone who could walk alongside me wherever I was at the time, enlightening to have things held up from different angles and where no masks were ever needed.  While I find it hard to explain how things that I had circled around for years could be cleared so effectively in a few sessions over the phone, I am both convinced and deeply grateful that they have been."

Roanna - Cardiff